Fear No Evil

I would like to start our subject and discussion by asking you this question: are you really happy, or are you in spiritual bondage to worry and fear? You know, there are lots of people who make believe that they are happy, but I have found, as a minister, that many folks are not truly happy. It moves me greatly to express the reality of life. We are told by one of the great writers of the Bible, that when Christ, who is our life, appears, then this is when we can really begin to live.

When people are born into this world, they are born into death. They came into this world for one purpose, and that is to die. Paul said, in the Scriptures, that all of our life, we are subject to bondage because of the fear of death" but do you know, that when a person is born into the kingdom of God, he is born into life, that he might live in a place of reality? He has no more fear of death because he has passed from death unto life. The Lord wants people to live a wholesome life that is not hampered by fear. He tells us in His Word that we should not let our hearts be troubled.

This, of course, lets us know that we have the power to keep our hearts from being troubled. There is no need for us to call upon God and ask Him to do something for us that we, ourselves, can do, but rather, we should pray for strength to perform that which God has given us the ability to do. The way to keep our hearts from the troubling fears and perplexities of life is to have faith in God’s promises of love and concern for us, and to place all of our confidence in Him, trusting in Him with all of our heart, and He will bring it to pass.

David said, “I will fear no evil.” Jesus tells us in His Word, “Neither let your heart be afraid.” God has not given us the spirit of fear. Fear is of the devil. We should not fear poverty, because poverty is evil, and to fear it is a lack of faith in God’s Word, for He said that He would, above all things, that we prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers.

To disbelieve is to displease God. That which is not of faith is sin, for we are sanctified by faith, or saved by grace through faith. To fear sickness is unbelief in God’s Word, for the Scriptures tell us, “I am thy God, who forgiveth all of thine iniquities, and healeth all of thy diseases.” Remember, we are not to fear backsliding or sin. We are told that He has healed our backsliding, and that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Even Satan has no power to do this. You must, of your own desires, turn around and leave God. Should you do this because Satan tempts you to lust and sin, it proves, according to the Bible, that you have never seen God or known Him. So, we can see an eternal security in Him. You will lose the love of this world and all that is in it when the old man dies, and the new man that has put on Christ will love heavenly things. His conversation will be holy, for he is a new creature. Behold, old things have passed away, and all things have become new, the Bible says.

David of old said, “I sought the Lord and He heard me, and He delivered me from my fears.” Why let Satan gender thoughts in your mind and heart, to weaken your faith by fear, worry, and doubt? Should he press you beyond the control of your thoughts, God said, “I will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which you are able, but will, with the temptation, also make a way of escape, that you might be able to bear it.” He tells us to cast down every imagination, and bring every thought into subjection to faith, and to trust in His Word.

Deny your own feelings, and deny your thoughts. Speak and think God’s Word! Live it! Love it! Talk about it! Sing about it! Let it be the desire of your heart, and when you keep your mind stayed upon Christ Jesus, you will have perfect peace. There is no peace to the wicked. He said that we are cleansed by faith in His Word, so, as Jesus said, “Fear not!”

For you to fear any of the contrary powers is for you to become subject to those powers, and in this, they become your master, and you become their servant as they place you in bondage.

By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.

Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.

Holiness Unto The Lord

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