The Bible

Written by George Leon Pike, Sr.

Copyright © 1981 by Betty M. Pike

1. The greatest of books to mankind is the Bible,

For it’s the only book that tells us of God’s love,

God gave it by Christ, it’s protected by angels,

And its hallowed presence is to us as a dove.


2. Friend, no matter where on earth you choose to wander,

To an unknown country you may go,

To encounter many hardships and temptations,

Yet you’ll find the Bible always is aglow.


3. If you will slowly read and turn the pages,

Step by step you’ll follow in this way,

And as you persevere down through life’s ages,

You will find a friend, to guide you ev’ry day.



It begins with a babe that born in a manger,

Who grew up to die upon a cruel cross,

And it tells of His love, reminds us of our Savior,

Of all of His sorrow, and the blood that He lost.