Good Morning America

Written by George Leon Pike, Sr.

Copyright © 1995 by Betty M. Pike

1. Though the battle was great and the blood to the bridle,

Our captain of hosts made it through,

Through cruel winds of strife, amid stings so bitter,

The enemy He has subdued.


2. He tread the winepress of Almighty God,

He did it for me and for you,

For the law He fulfilled, righteousness He perfected,

Decked out in His red, white, and blue.


3. Between heaven and earth, there unfurled to the battle,

With the stripes on His back, He was true,

The thorns on His brow, they glistened like starlight,

The shekinah from glory broke through.


4. Old glory is waving forever and ever,

By grace we’re redeemed from the fall,

While joy bells are ringing, the angels are singing,

There’s freedom and justice for all.



Good morning America,

Good morning America,

I have good news for you,

The star spangled banner still waves on forever,

O’er the land of the brave and the true.