The Mark Of The Beast

The Bible tells us that all whose names are not written down in the Lamb’s book of life are to have the mark of the beast. In the garden of Eden, the beast left his mark on Eve: the mark of sin. God erased it. But Cain received a mark that stayed with him.

Today, you can see the people who say they came from the beast. They are not son of God [*] [*] who desire this. They love dogs instead of children. They eat like beasts, fight like beasts. They name their clubs after beasts. But, do you know that we are living in the day of numbers, when everything carries a number, even the church.

God said that you make your nest among the stars, from thence I will cast thee down to hell. The moon is among the stars. The pope of Rome carries the number of the beast, and we have a [Catholic] [president] who is trying to get to the moon. We are [in] [the] end of the world. The writer said you are the people upon whom the end of the world have come.

By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.

Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.

Holiness Unto The Lord