The City Of God
The Bible tells us there is a stream that makes glad the city of God. We know this stream is the river of life, which flows through the city. Do you know that this stream is the spring of living water that flows down the street of faith, much purer than gold tried in a furnace, and that we are living stones, built up into a holy priesthood, an habitation for God? Do you know that Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone, and that the twelve foundations are the teachings of the twelve apostles upon which we are built and Paul is the wise master builder, a worker on the city whose builder and maker is God?
Do you know that the twelve gates are the twelve tribes of Israel? They open to the New Testament teachings that heaven is the throne and earth is the footstool, and that the light of that city is the word of light, and no night or darkness of [*] [*] [*] to that city, that love is the mortar which holds us together? Not man-made theology and doctrines and their wall that has been daubed with untempered mortar shall be cast down, not one stone shall be left upon another. I want to see that city, don’t you?
By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.
Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.
Holiness Unto The Lord