The Ark Of The Covenant

We are told that in the days of Noah, God commanded Noah to build an ark to the saving of his family. Though it had never rained before, God said it shall rain, and rain it did for forty days and nights.

But God loved Noah and would not destroy him with the rest of the world, and God put a rainbow in the sky with many colors. It was a covenant between God and man. Later, they made an ark of gold, and the manna from heaven was put in it, and God called it the ark of the covenant, because the law He gave Moses was placed in it. The coat of Joseph and the many colors was a type of this great covenant with all colors of people. The breastplate, or Urim Thummim with its many colors, was a type of the just covenant of God.

One day, God sent forth the true ark, the body of Christ, which had the sins of all colors of people on it, and He also said, “I will gather all things in heaven and earth into it.” So He said the ark today is the people of God, the body of Christ, and we invite you to get in this great body, so when the waters of God’s great wrath come, you will be safe.

He said He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and He is doing it. His Word is Spirit, and it is coming forth by all [manners] on all flesh, but the waters that are lifting the ark up high are also destroying the [reflectors]. The Word is death and judgment to all who reject it, and life to them who receive it. So, get in the ark and find rest to your soul.

By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.

Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.

Holiness Unto The Lord