Fear Not
The Scripture says he that has fear has torment. Fear tortures our inward man, the spirit, and as a result, the outward man suffers the afflictions of life, such as sickness, poverty, nerve trouble, heart-aches, heart attacks, and every other disorder of the body or mind. All this can be traced back to a troubled or sinful spirit.
Lust for life is Satan’s daily search. The Scripture says, “Perfect love casts out fear.” There is but one perfect love: the love of God. God is love, and God is perfect. A complete surrender to the Spirit of deity means a perfect victory over all problems of life.
God’s Spirit is made for man’s body. Man’s body is made for God’s Spirit of life. Being separated one from another in the garden where Eve sinned, God lost His fleshly robe and man lost his inward life.
Christ, being man and God, showed the union of body and spirit once again. His sacrificing to atone for our sins made the way for this great union to exist once again. To reject this means the loss of all things. Eve rejected faith in God’s Word that she heard, turned to the tree of knowledge, and by reasoning, became double-minded and destroyed her faith in God’s goodness by condemnation. Her children still seek education, eating from the tree of knowledge, rejecting the knowledge of truth, the Word of God which gives faith. The Bible says ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The knowledge of the Lord shall fill all the earth. Will you accept His Word?
By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.
Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.
Holiness Unto The Lord