Corruptible Flesh

As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. All flesh has corrupted its way before God. While writing this article, my heart is greatly stirred when I think of the religious leaders and the people of this world who are compromising with Satan to gain worldly substance, favor, and position in this life. One of the greatest compromisings is with the so-called Board of Education.

The apostle Paul said to avoid science (knowledge), falsely so called. Anybody with any godly reasoning knows that the Bible teaches that the wisdom of God, which cometh down from above, is gentle, peaceable, and easy to be entreated. The Board of Education, with its satanic system of the carnal mind, being at enmity with God, reproduces the tree of knowledge that overthrew mankind in the garden of Eden, gendering a mass of confusion, frustrations, and fears that have thrown the world, along with mankind, into spiritual poverty and a dilemma that it can never escape, such as wars, perplexities, tragedies and sorrow on every hand. There is nothing but briars and travail as we search for the tree of life, which is the Word of God, the faith and life of Jesus Christ. Theology, ideas, and man-made dogmas have replaced the ministry, and in vain, they do worship God, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, making the commandments of God void. For this reason, God has turned them over to a reprobate mind, causing them to believe a lie and let them be damned, because they have not a love for His Word, which is truth. When they knew Jesus Christ, our God, they glorified Him not as God, but became vain in their imaginations. A sinful and an adulterous generation, they compass land and sea to make a proselyte (church member) two-fold more the child of hell than he was to begin with; a bunch of Beatles, beatniks, and rock and rollers who are heady, high-minded, lovers of self and pleasure more than lovers of God, who claim greater fame and popularity than Almighty God. The world has become more popular in the rhythm and rites of incarnate devils, and toward devil worshippers, than toward Christ. The Bible, in the past, has outsold all other books down through history, but know, Marx’s book on communism (mark of the beast) is outselling the Bible.

God’s Spirit is through striving with this sinful and adulterous, sin-cursed generation, which lusts and dresses in a fashion to commit adultery on every hand and with every thought. Our forefathers established America on freedom of worship and the Bible, but this generation has left it all out. The former were wise men who built upon the Rock (Christ Jesus, the Word). America stood! This foolish generation of ours is building on the shifting sands of theology. The great ship of time is on her way down. Children are strangling each other to death, committing harlotry, sucking on beer cans and cigarettes, while mom and dad, in their drunken stupor, live it up and look for another dollar, seeking the puny material gain of this world that the Bible calls beggarly elements. They are feeding their children from the tree of knowledge, preparing them for what they call the future: a future of wars, lust and drunkenness off of the cares of life, along with fears and insanity that will take them to a drunkard’s grave by a crash on the highway or a padded cell in an insane ward, a mad, crazy world that rushes on without God or reasoning.

This is what the Board of Education produces. They have thrown our Bibles out of the window, by order of Catholicism, to make us spiritually ignorant, so that the evil power of the Catholic Church can rule over us. Their children study the Bible in private schools so that it doesn’t affect them, while we become spiritually ignorant and lose all we have. Our children can’t even offer a decent dispute. They don’t know any better. One of our learned scholars said that Esau sold his “copyright” for a mess of pottage.

They have made our children strip off their clothes, through acts of indecency, in what they call PE, saying that our children don’t get enough bodily exercise otherwise. Even a fool knows better than that. Our teachers have become incarnate devils that drink, smoke and curse in the presence of our sons and daughters. They give them a television show to watch, while the men and women practice their harlotry and pitch their parties. It is all like a rotten apple with the worm, Satan, right in the heart of it. They are trying to feed it to our children, and we force them to eat it. They become spiritually sick and spiritually dead, and their parents are to blame. These so-called Christians, like a bunch of jellyfish, won’t stand up against wrong, desiring worldly gain instead. The Bible says that you sold your daughters and sons into harlotry for a drink of wine. They that walk after this carnal mind of flesh shall die. If we live in the Spirit or the Bible mind of Christ, we shall live. They that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Satan’s system, like the government, is a little at a time method till the whole be leavened. This keeps down rebellion. They tell you that you must have an education to succeed in life, but the Bible says that God lifts up one and puts down another. He creates the good and the evil and has His way in both. Promotion comes from God. The preparation of man’s heart is from God. All the gold and silver belongs to God, and there is no power, good nor bad, but that which is ordained of God, for He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will. The people speak of their religion and your religion. There is but one gospel, the Holy Bible, which in every generation has raised the dead by sworn affidavits of the doctors, proving it to be the only resurrection and the life.

The grace of God has appeared unto every man, teaching him to deny worldly lust and ungodliness, that he should live soberly and righteously in this present world. So, you are without excuse.

God has fashioned all men’s hearts alike, so repent every one of you and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is to all that God shall call. Ye must repent or perish. I do not condone ignorance. God once winked at it, but now, He commands all men to repent! If you believe there is one God, you do well, but faith without works is dead. The devil believes and trembles. Paul asked, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?” If you have not His Spirit, you are none of His. The only believing that is considered faith is according to the Word. All other believing is in vain. Faith worketh by love. Love is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost. “The love of God is to keep My commandments,” Jesus said. Love fulfills the law and removes condemnation to release faith. God has made all nations of one blood, and commanded all men to condescend to men of low estate, and to love not the world, nor the things of the world. If you seek the kingdom of God first, then all of your worldly necessities shall be added; but you are to use them and not to love them. God maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. It is thy God that giveth thee the power to get wealth, for He wishes, above all things, that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. As a tree planted by the water, whose leaves do not wither, whatsoever thou doest shall prosper, for you shall spend your days in happiness and your years in prosperity. He said unto Moses, “I would that My people would obey Me, that it might be well with them and their children all the days of their life.” Awake, thou that sleepest, and Christ shall give thee light.

God has given us a constitution in the United States that stops any organized system from forcing us beyond religious convictions that are biblical. Still, we allow some self-willed professor or teacher with his puffed up book learning to strip us of our God-given rights. We shake and tremble before him when he is but a mere man who needs your advice, rather than you needing his. A greater than Solomon is here! We are the body of Christ, with His mind, and the world is but children. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

The Bible tells us that Satan shall wear the saints of God out, but then they shall arise and take the kingdom. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God. I refuse to be in bondage. In bringing to your remembrance the words of Patrick Henry, who said, “Give me liberty or give me death,” I’d rather die for God than to be in bondage to Satan (carnal mind of education).

The Bible says to obey rulers and magistrates, to live lawfully and pay taxes, but Daniel did not violate their laws; neither did the Hebrew children. Laws were instigated that violated Daniel’s God-given convictions, and they have done the same to you and I. Satan, loosed in the earth, is seeking whom he may devour, working through the carnal mind that is enmity to God, which is the mind of the children of disobedience. You bow to their beastly images and you will burn in God’s fire. They are brute beasts, made to be taken and burned; Satan, in his image, forcing the mark of the beast by governmental constraint, causing all, both rich and poor, to receive the mark. The people of Israel continually retreated under the hand of Moses, seeking peace, when there is no peace to the wicked. They were left in a wilderness, wandering in a circle until they died, because they rejected the minister, mumbling and complaining and thinking it was vain to serve God, considering their materialistic disadvantage and turning back into Egypt in their hearts. But God has raised up this Joshua age to rise and take the kingdom (Canaan). The intellectual giants cannot stand before the great impact of our charge. Having on the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, our feet being shod with the preparation of the gospel, our loins girded with the truth, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit in our hands: let’s fight the good fight of faith. Endure hardness like a good soldier! Rise and take the land! Cursed is the man that holdeth back the sword from blood. Don’t spare the babes nor the elders, lest they become pricks in your side or a thorn in your flesh all the days of your life. If our ways please the Lord, He said that He would make our enemies to be at peace with us. We are well able, through Christ, to possess the land. The kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our God.

There is but one requirement for everyone, rich or poor. Jesus said, “Lest a man forsake all that he has, he cannot be My disciple.” The apostolic teachings was all things common. God said that He would restore that which the cankerworm had eaten, the years that the Roman Catholic locust had consumed. To the rich, Jesus said, “Sell all that you have,” then you would have a cross. He said, “Follow Me and I will make you.” Make you what? His own image! The fullness of the stature! The Word made flesh! All shall pass away but the Word. As it is written, “He that gathered little” (on the mission fields and the lands of poverty) “had no lack, but rather, your abundance met the needs of others.” Your business, dedicated to God, should be a clean business, just and upright, dedicated as a ministry as your brother’s keeper. You should live moderately. Let your moderation be known in all things that pertain unto life, bringing every thought into subjection to the obedience to the Word of God until you be wholly conformed to the image and fullness of the stature of Christ, and we all come to the unity of the faith of Jesus Christ; and until we speak the same thing. Christ is the Word Of God. Faith cometh by the hearing of the Word. Any other believing is a waste of time.

Our medical profession has become demonic mad men who experiment with human guinea pigs. Our lawyers, who were set for our defense, have turned into spiritual leeches who sap all of the material life that you have. Our societies are a group of silly women and feminine men who talk about fashion and frolic. Governmental authorities have become fame crazed playboys who have bankrupted our nation. Our law men have become as snakes in the grass, a generation of vipers who lay wait for innocent prey because of their lust and laziness. Our bankers are like whited sepulchres, which do not appear until you fall into them, and they are full of dead men’s bones, compiling their money, centralizing their motives for gain, demanding of the poor, never letting them have anything; as rich men, oppressing them and bringing them before the mercy seats. They are like a hangman, and the poor, who support their schemes and systems for financial gain, enter into their noose and know it not until they have strangled their life out of them.

Our churches burn incense to devils and have filled the tables of God with vomit. They have become a den of thieves and a prison house for souls. Our business world is a constitution of thieves and money mad rouges who gyp the public, cheat and lie with false balances until you become a slave to indebtedness. Our children have turned into a bunch of Beatles, rock and rollers, and beatniks, while our mothers and fathers have become a bunch of harlots and whoremongers, shiftless and lazy. Dad and mom both look like a cosmetic counter and smell like they have been freshly embalmed. Condoning evil, our writers have become filthy and lewd. Our artists are striptease projectors. They fill our book stands with obscene literature that should be put in the garbage and burned. The whole lot has become spiritually ignorant. Our armed forces have turned themselves into a bunch of wine bibbers and sex-crazed fools who ravish every town they enter, never stopping to consider that these women some day will be their wives.

Our ministry is a socialistic mass of compromisers who are looking for retirement and salary. They have turned the grace of God into lasciviousness, and have taken rule by constraint for filthy lucre’s sake. They have not been an example to the flock as husbandmen, who are partakers first. They have sold themselves to the devil and turned into a bunch of jellyfishes as far as backbone and the gospel is concerned.

Our teachers and instructors are a mess of intellectual devils incarnate. Beautiful America and the beautiful land of God has become a land of stupidity and spiritual ignorance, each despising the other. Kingdom is against kingdom, race against race. This is the Laodicean age, or the people’s rights age, where everyone is concerned about themselves, with the exception of God’s saints, who Jesus said would be the few that find it, or the little flock to whom He would give the kingdom. The world, as a whole, has become the cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

The customs of the people are vain. Their calendars and holidays are pagan. Their religious world is full of spots and blemishes with these things, while their priesthood is corrupt, taking gifts to pervert judgment, loving salutations in the market places, wanting to be called of mankind priest, reverend, or rabbi.

With all of the sexual perverts at large, and the government taking care of illegitimate children while true children starve, and as the government condones harlotry by special provision for bastard children, what is left? The preachers have told the people about God’s grace, the rain on the just and the unjust, but His grace is running out. Don’t you believe it when they tell you that God so loved the world that He condones evil! The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked every day, that the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, that the prayer of the wicked is an abomination in His sight, that there is no peace to the wicked and He will pursue the wicked until they perish from off the face of the earth.

Dispensational grace is at an end. It was on the just and unjust to allow spiritual preparation for the new world. You wasted your substance with riotous living. Grace unto salvation appears unto every man, teaching them the nature of holiness. This was for the righteous. They received it, adjusted their lives to it, went through their schooling and college training under tutors (the ministry). They are ready to graduate as sons of God, to enter into the great millennium, to become the great governmental order of the age.

Noah condemned the whole world in his day. As it was in the days of Noah, so it is at the coming of the Son of Man. I condemn the whole bloodthirsty mess. I declare the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God by His foreknowledge. I lift up a cry to God that the harvest is ripe. It is time to cast in thy sickle and tread the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God until the blood runs up to the horse bridles, until the wicked be as ashes under our feet and the jewels of heaven be redeemed and the earth purged with fire and that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.

Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.

Holiness Unto The Lord