Perfect Love
In reading the Scriptures, we are reminded of the message that Paul delivered unto the Roman people. On one occasion in his writings, he vehemently stressed the power of Christ, through the teachings of preservation for the saints. He expressed in the book of Romans that when a man would do good, evil is present.
Paul declared, To will is present, but how to perform that which is good, I find not, for in the inward man I delight in the things of God, but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, bringing me into captivity to the lust which is in the flesh.
On your job, you are compelled to be fully alive in your natural self. This is absolutely necessary for you to perform your natural duties in life. God understands that your mind must be sharp and alert, so that you might be efficient at your daily task. The spiritual man on the inside of you, with groans and moans that cannot be uttered, is pleading for release from the bodily mind, but can only find its freedom when you enter a spiritual frame of mind or environment.
A Christian’s soul has already been born again, predestinated, justified, and glorified. It is sealed by the Spirit of God unto the day of the redemption of your body. Paul teaches that the flesh is contrary to the Spirit, causing a continual warfare between the body and the soul. Satan, working through the natural mind, has the greater opportunity to conquer, and is kept so much alive by your daily activities that the mind of Christ within you cannot have the complete freedom it desires. This creates within you a great intellectual reasoning, and it conflicts with the kingdom of God, which is within your soul. This invites a spirit of confusion, which, in turn, troubles you.
The Bible commands us not to lean to our own understanding, but to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, to acknowledge Him in all of our ways, and He shall direct our paths.
The Holy Ghost shall guide us into all righteousness if we will allow Him to do so. The Bible profoundly states that He will bring to our remembrance whatsoever things I have taught you. The word “I” here indicates the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, for Paul teaches that we are His body, as members in particular. He declared that when you minister, it shall not be the preacher that speaks, but your heavenly Father that speaks from within you. He also said that the ministers were set in the body for the perfecting of the saints. This perfecting means perfect love of the mind, which is the Spirit in the heart, for Jesus taught that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is, for with the heart man believes unto righteousness. Confession of the mouth unto salvation is the only performance that Paul was speaking of in Romans. Deeds or words are only the performance of the will that is in the heart.
We are taught by God that if we commit our works unto the Lord, then our thoughts shall be established. If God is the Spirit of love, and that Spirit of love was perfected in the fleshly body of His Son, then to completely give our thoughts to divine love brings joy, peace, and refreshing to our spirits every day, making us perfect. Paul said that charity, which is the manifested deed-love or the sacrificial surrender to God’s desire, is the bond of perfection. John said, “They that have this hope within them purify themselves by God’s Spirit, even as He is pure.” You must have the ministry, that God might teach you by the Spirit through their lips the things that He wants you to know. The Holy Ghost cannot bring anything to your remembrance unless God’s anointed, who are sent forth especially for the work of perfecting the saints, teach you. That is why they can teach you when others cannot. Others are anointed as believers to manifest the gifts of God to the world, that they might see Christ in them. Since faith works by love, and perfect love, without partiality or intervening thoughts, will cast out fear, and since love fulfills the law, we all follow and believe the same way, though we differ greatly in the interpretation and revelation of the Word. This is caused by different degrees of depth in the Spirit. Some are more free from the conflicting mind of self than others. There is but one way, and Jesus said, “I am the way.” He is the manifest Word, the human embodiment of love and compassion, for He went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He set at liberty them that were bruised.
So, let us follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” We must expel fear from our mind by perfect love (love being as strong as death), then we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. This is our proof of eternal life and the fulfillment of the law of God. It makes us perfect in every way, for charity is the bond of perfection.
The Bible says that everyone that loves is born of God, and everyone that loves not has not seen nor known God. By their fruits you shall know them, and the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, gentleness, patience, meekness, etc. So you see, we do not recognize them by their teachings, but by their fruits, for some may mean well and not be qualified. Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you other than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.
Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.
Holiness Unto The Lord
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