Complete In Him
In reading the Bible and studying the Word of God, you soon learn why men and women alike sacrifice their lives for the cause of the gospel. Remember, God’s promises are very precious, especially to our welfare and health, as well as our soul. One thing we should remember is that God said that He would give us the fruit of our thoughts, so by this we can see that whether faith or fear dominates our minds, we become the victim of our thoughts.
Positive thinking is a must in the life of humanity. Fear is faith in reverse, and it can destroy a person, so remember, you are always believing, whether right or wrong. Wrong believing brings in Satan’s spirit with sickness, fear, and defeat, but right believing brings in God’s Spirit with faith, hope, health, and prosperity, as well as eternal life. Faith can have no other foundation but God’s Word of promises, or it will not be the faith of Christ unto salvation. It will just be man’s faith or ideas, so faith comes by the hearing of the Word.
You must know God’s promises to be able to believe. Israel heard God’s Word, but since it was not mixed with faith it, did not profit them. You must believe in the Word if it is to become a living word of inheritance. The major thing that we should know about God’s Word is that the Bible teaches we are complete in Him. This means everything. We are whole, healthy, prosperous, sane, happy, and have eternal life. We have the promise that He has perfected forever them that are sanctified, and sanctified them once and for all by the offering up of the body of Jesus Christ on the cross. God has given us all things that pertain unto life. By His stripes we are healed. God would, above all things, that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper.
Do you know that the Bible teaches that a person born of God cannot sin? Nothing can separate us from the love of God. You see, God has completed us in Him by His works and grace. Most people do not understand God and His way of life.
Bible scholars know that Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. So then, whatsoever things He did while on earth was God and His feelings toward mankind. The following statement shows God’s feelings once and for all toward humanity. Notice, the angel said, “Peace on earth and good will toward man.”
Remember, Jesus was not born of the will of man, which is a sexual inspiration, but by the will of God, which is an inspiration of love. So then, at the death of Jesus, the will or Word of God was given into the hands of the administrators, which are, of course, the ministry or God’s lawyers, to be read and executed according to His laws in the behalf of His children. It is our inheritance from God, our heavenly Father. So then, we see that a will is a person’s expressed desire, whether spoken or written. In essence, it is the mind of God in Christ, manifested or perfected in mass humanity, to whosoever will believe in the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Knowing that Jesus was God’s manifested will to humanity, let us consider His deeds and ministry while here on earth. He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of devils, without respect of person or position. Let us remember that God creates the good and the evil and has His way in both. He works all things after the counsel of His own will, and all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. Keep one thing in mind always: God tempts no man, but you are tempted when you are drawn away from God’s Word by your own lust. God said that we are not to give place to Satan. When you do, you may drive him out, but he will leave his diseases and troubles, and also his sins, just the same way that chickens leave an old roost in an awful mess after they are gone. If you resist the devil, he will flee from you. Let us take the shield of faith and it will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, for God is always on our side after we are born again.
God has made us perfect in His sight by Christ Jesus our Lord, now and forever. He who knew no sin was made our sin so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ. When we give place to Satan, God just has to let him in, but He tells us that it takes this to make us complete in Him, and this will perfect our faith so that it will become the faith of Christ, the unwavering faith of justification unto salvation. This is the faith that was once delivered unto the saints like Peter, Paul, and others. God is saying to us, Come on and overcome. I am for you and will give you strength, for My Word cannot be altered or changed, but I will hasten to perform My Word for your sakes. When you are without understanding, as how to pray, the Spirit makes intercession with groans and moans that cannot find utterance or vocal expression.
We should keep in mind that the body is dead because of sin by the bodily death of Jesus Christ at Calvary, so the spiritual or inward man is in heaven, while our body is yet on the earth. We are waiting to wit or recognize the redemption of our body. It is dead by the body of Christ unto sin, and alive as the body of Christ through the resurrection to eternal life. In the mind or foreknowledge of God, we have already passed from death unto life. We have been justified, sanctified, healed and glorified. The Bible tells us that nothing can be laid to our charge because we are God’s elect by foreknowledge" therefore, nothing can separate us from His love. Christ died for our sins, but was resurrected for our justification.
Here is a little revelation, if you can receive it. Notice, Christ’s body was in the grave until the third day, coming forth on the sabbath. I would like to point out here that as Jesus’ body was dissected into three parts at Calvary (body, soul, and Spirit), so has God segregated mass humanity into three divisional parts (Jew, Catholic, and Protestant). The reuniting of these divisional parts is taking place through the National Council or the international confederation of the religious bodies called the church. This shows the resurrection. As Christ was in the earthly grave individually, mass humanity has been in the worldly grave two thousand years, from the cross to the millennium, the thousand year reign, which is the third day or sabbath, being the seven thousandth year, for a thousand years with mankind is as one day with God.
Just before the skin worms (evil spirits) corrupt the body (church), He resurrects it so that His Holy One might not see corruption, for He will not leave the soul of His Son in hell. So you see, we are hid with Christ in God, whom the heavens have received until the restitution or restoring of all things, which is the thousand year reign. Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth (body), which have not comprehended redemption. Children of God are sitting together in heavenly places, having been translated into the marvelous kingdom of God. Why should we let Satan destroy our soul’s peace by progging, as a skin worm, through our dead body, to cause a continual warfare between the body and the soul? Let us abstain from fleshly lust that wars against the soul. Your carnal mind of unbelief can make His promises of none effect in the atonement for our sins. The will to sin is taken out of us by the faith of the seed of His Word in us, thus bringing our justification by Word faith. Paul said, “That which is not of faith is sin.” So then, willful transgression of the law is sin, and we do not have the willful nature of sin.
The beast part of man that started sin in the garden is dead by the crucifying of Jesus’ body on the cross. Christ said, “Blessed is he whose sins are covered by the blood and whose iniquities are forgiven by grace. Blessed is the man to whom God will not impute sin.” We are free from sin, having passed from death unto life, and now we are the sons of God, so let us believe and be strong in faith, without wavering. Let us rise and take the kingdom, because it belongs to us.
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Walk like Him and talk like Him, then you will find that the mind of Christ will be made manifest in its fullness in you and will translate you to make you complete in Him.
By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr.
Founder and first President of Jesus Christ’s Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc.
Holiness Unto The Lord
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