Try Me One More Time

Written by George Leon Pike, Sr.

Copyright © 1981 by Betty M. Pike

1. As I thumb back through life’s pages,

I think about the Rock of Ages,

How that down through life I stumbled as one blind,

But I remember when I faltered,

How You led me to the altar,

Oh, take me back and try me one more time.


2. If I could just live my life over,

Things I’ve done would be so diff’rent,

And today instead of heartaches I could smile,

And all my life I’d live for Jesus,

And through the valley of the shadows,

I know that He would be a friend and guide.


3. When there’s no hope for tomorrow,

Seems we always seek to borrow,

From our yesterday, a bit of sweet sunshine,

As we see our hope diminish,

In our search here to replenish,

We stumble down life’s road as one that’s blind.



Oh, take me back, dear Lord,

And try me one more time,

Bring to me again sweet peace of mind,

I remember things so pleasant,

As I walked within Your presence,

Oh, take me back and try me one more time.